Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Westward, young man

A post directly from Brian:

With the St. Louis Arch within view just across the Mississippi, I've reached at least a mental halfway point. Though I've only gone about 1300 miles of the 4000 total, there is something iconic about making it to the "Gateway to the West." From here I'll pretty much be following the Lewis and Clark Trail- the same path that the western survey crew used just over 200 years ago. The path itself is filled with history and museums, parks and geological wonders. I do plan on making a side-trip to Badlands National Park and Mount Rushmore, both in South Dakota- come on, when else can I expect to be in rural South Dakota?

You have lots of time to think as you ride. And time to simply observe. And plenty of time to stop. If my trip was about the destination, I wouldn't be slogging away at 15mph on a loaded bicycle. Each day becomes a collection of destinations and meetings that I hardly could have anticipated or planned. Like the deer scampering across the road so close ahead of me you could hear its hooves click on the pavement. Or the mist of irrigation blowing in my face across Georgia peanut fields. Or the Booneville, MS diner where the owner refused to accept money for my breakfast and gave me a bag full of their characteristic "Slugburgers" for the road ahead. I've already visited the hometowns of Elvis Presley and Popeye. I've followed parts of historical trails like the Natchez Trace, the Underground Railroad, and the Trail of Tears. Although the accents change, the shock is always present: "You rode that bike from where?!?"

I still tell people I'm just a normal guy who started to ride a bike. Sure, there are lots of reasons why I'm riding. Alternative transportation awareness. Anti-petrochemical dependancy and warfare. Pure leisure. Adventure. Exercise so I'll be starting grad school in the best shape of my life. But basically, I just enjoy it.

And a special thanks to my best friend Jake who organized and is maintaining this blog throughout the trip. Clever poll Jake... I won't say who I voted for.

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